Estratégias que Moldarão o Futuro do Basquete

Defesa baseada em estatísticas e ataque sem posição são duas estratégias que adotei com minhas equipes durante minha carreira para ganhar jogos e campeonatos e manter meu emprego. Esse estilo de jogo evoluiu ao longo dos anos e decidi chamá-lo de Flow-Ball.

A defesa estatística é uma estratégia que se baseia na análise dos dados coletados durante as vitórias e derrotas para determinar a melhor abordagem defensiva para uma equipe adversária e ajustá-la de acordo. O objetivo é minimizar a porcentagem de arremessos e tentativas de arremessos por posse e tempo de posse do adversário a ponto de se tornarem vencíveis por um time com meus atributos e potencial de pontos.

Por outro lado, o ataque sem posição envolve romper com os sistemas de ataque convencionais, previsíveis e padronizados que a maioria das equipes adotam.

O ataque sem posição fixa, se concentra no movimento contínuo de bola e homem e na utilização adequada do espaço com os jogadores desempenhando vários papéis, para explorar os “mismatches” e atacar a cesta, sem ficarem restritos a uma posição fixa e a um estilo de jogo de meia-quadra previsível.

A defesa baseada em estatísticas e o ataque sem posição provaram ser estratégias eficazes para nivelar o campo de jogo. A defesa baseada em estatísticas não requer quantidades significativas de análise de dados; Esta pode ser monitorada e comparada com os objetivos do plano de jogo durante os jogos.

O monitoramento da performance da equipe determina as estratégias defensivas que podem ser utilizadas em certos momentos e fases do jogo.

Da mesma forma, o ataque sem posição ajuda a desenvolver jogadores mais versáteis que podem jogar em várias posições, tornando mais difícil para as equipes defenderem.

Em conclusão, o uso de estatísticas e análise da performance do adversário durante as vitórias e derrotas, bem como abordagens ofensivas modernas e imprevisíveis, tornou-se cada vez mais importante para a minha carreira de treinador e consultor técnico nos EUA e no exterior.

Acredito que o uso contínuo da análise estatística e o ataque sem posição provavelmente moldarão o futuro do esporte, já que mais equipes procurarão ganhar uma vantagem competitiva usando esses métodos avançados.

Como Diretor de Instrução e Desenvolvimento da Coach C Basketball eTraining,, tenho trabalhado com treinadores de todos os níveis, através de videoaulas, Clínicas Zoom ao vivo e presenciais. Abaixo alguns depoimentos destes técnicos:

“As experiências e percepções do treinador Carvalho foram extremamente benéficas para todos nós. Ele demonstrou um nível de conhecimento de elite em relação ao jogo de basquete consistente com alguém que trabalhou extensivamente no nível universitário ou na NBA nos Estados Unidos por muitos anos.” D1, Treinador Principal.

“O Coach Carvalho tem feito contribuições extraordinárias para o crescimento e desenvolvimento do nosso programa de basquetebol. O Coach C é um verdadeiro aluno do jogo e um tremendo professor, e tornou-se uma figura internacional no basquetebol.” D1, Treinador Principal

“Em minha trajetória profissional, observei o trabalho de muitos treinadores e, com base em minhas experiências e conhecimentos, qualifico Walter como um extraordinário coach e professor internacional. Há muito poucos treinadores de basquete no mundo com a profundidade e a amplitude de sua experiência.” D1, Asst. Coach

“O Walter é um dos melhores treinadores que já vi falar. O conhecimento em sua cabeça é excelente. Você sabe como temos sorte de tê-lo na UAB!” HS, Treinador Principal

Para entrar em contato com o Coach Carvalho por e-mail, escreva para

Strategies that will Shape the Future of Basketball

Stat-based defense and positionless offense are two strategies that I adopted with my teams during my career to win games and championships and to keep my job. This style of play evolved over the years and I decided to call it Flow-Ball.

Statistically-based defense is a strategy that relies on the analysis of data collected during wins and losses to determine the best defensive approach for an opposing team and adjust it accordingly. The goal is to minimize the opponent’s shooting percentage and shot attempts per possession and possession time to a point where they become beatable by a team with my attributes and scoring potential.

On the other hand, positionless offense involves breaking away from traditional, conventional, predictable, and patterned plays that most teams use. This offense focuses on ball movement and proper utilization of space as players and ball move around the court, performing multiple roles, to explore mismatches and attack the rim rather than being restricted to a specific position and a patterned set play.

Statistically-based defense and positionless offense have proven to be effective strategies for leveling the playing field. Stat-based defense does not require significant amounts of data analysis; it can be monitored during the game and compared against game plan objectives. This has brought flexibility to the defensive strategies that we can utilize during the game. Similarly, the positionless offense has helped to develop more versatile players who can play multiple positions, making it more difficult for teams to defend.

In conclusion, the use of statistics and data analytics, as well as modern and unpredictable offensive approaches, has become increasingly important to my coaching career and team success. By relying on these strategies, I have been able to lead teams of inferior individual talent to wins and championship titles.

As the Director of Instruction and Development at Coach C Basketball eTraining,, I have helped and taught coaches of all levels, through video lessons and live Zoom Clinics, how to adopt this style of play with their teams. Below are some of their testimonials:

“Coach Carvalho’s experiences and insights have been extremely beneficial to all of us. He has demonstrated an elite level of knowledge regarding the game of basketball consistent with someone who has worked extensively at the college level or NBA in the States for many years.” D1, Head Coach.

“Coach Carvalho has made extraordinary contributions to the growth and development of our basketball program. Coach C  is a true student of the game and a tremendous teacher, and he has become an international figure in basketball.” D1, Head Coach

“In my professional career, I have observed the work of many coaches, and based on my experiences and expertise, I qualify Walter as an extraordinary international coach and teacher. There are very few basketball coaches in the world with the depth and breadth of his experience.” D1, Asst. Coach

“Walter is one of the best coaches I have seen speak or coach. The knowledge in his head is outstanding. Marty, do you know how lucky we are to have him at UAB!” HS, Head Coach

I believe that the continued use of statistical analysis and the positionless offense is likely to shape the future of the sport, as more teams will look to gain a competitive edge by using these advanced methods.

For more information about the Flow-Ball philosophy and to have access to Coach C’s video lessons and services, visit the website at

To contact Coach Carvalho by email, please write to

Are School Sports Programs Serving the Needs of Our Youth?

As with any cultural institution, youth sports have their challenges. In recent years, experts have raised concerns about how current structures may be impacting young athletes. Some argue that changes are needed to ensure that kids are getting the most out of their sports experiences.

One of the most common critiques of youth sports today is that they are too competitive. Many leagues and coaches prioritize winning above all else, which can create a toxic environment for young athletes that defeats the mission of sports in the school setting.

When the focus is on winning rather than learning and improving, kids can become overly focused on outcomes and feel pressure to perform at all costs. This can lead to burnout, disillusionment, and a range of physical and psychological health problems leading to frustration rather than a positive learning experience.

I am concerned about the negative impact of prioritizing winning over participation in youth sports. This approach can lead to several negative outcomes for young athletes, including burnout, injuries, decrease self-esteem, and negative attitudes toward teammates, including jealousy and a “me first” attitude.

When a culture values winning above all else, it can lead to an unhealthy obsession with results rather than personal growth and sportsmanship. This can have several negative consequences, including preventing people from participating in sports altogether.

Sports, once considered an essential educational tool, is losing its significance and not fulfilling its planned mission, due to the emphasis on winning at all costs. This shift in priorities has led coaches to disregard the original mission of sports, which was to teach valuable life skills such as teamwork, discipline, and resilience.

Sports programs were created to be an integral part of the school curriculum because they would offer students an opportunity to learn beyond the classroom. Students were encouraged to participate in sports, not only to develop their physical abilities but also to learn values like sportsmanship, respect, teamwork, and fair play. The competitive aspect of sports was present, but it was not the defining feature of the activity.

However, in recent years, the importance of winning has overshadowed the original purpose of sports as an educational tool. Many coaches are more focused on winning than on educating their players. As a result, they focus only on a select few players, ‘the elite’,  while disregarding the rest of the team.

Some coaches play the same six players every game, while more than half of the team never gets to play, except during the last minute of a blow-out game. But they keep on talking and preaching about the importance of teamwork, etc. This approach not only undermines sports as an educational tool but also negatively impacts the learning experience and it defeats the original purpose of sports, in the school setting, forcing kids to drop out of sports participation.

The mission of sports in the school setting does not align with the goals of today’s sporting culture. It does not prioritize participation, teamwork, discipline, sportsmanship, and fair play instead it promotes winning at all costs.

While many kids continue to enjoy and value participating in sports, many are dropping out at alarming rates. According to studies, 70% of kids quit organized sports by the age of 13.  A variety of factors contribute to this trend. Experts argue that more needs to be done to make youth sports inclusive and accessible to all kids, regardless of their backgrounds or abilities.

We can help ensure that youth sports continue to provide valuable experiences for generations to come by engaging in ongoing dialogue about how to best prioritize inclusive, development-focused approaches to coaching and competition.

Youth sports have a tremendous impact on the physical and mental health of young athletes. The skills they learn on the field or court are just as vital to their long-term success as the values they internalize and the relationships they build. Given the vital role that youth sports have in shaping the future of our children, it’s essential to create an inclusive and development-focused youth sports program. A program that prioritizes the mental and physical health of young athletes and provides an environment that values diversity and promotes positive growth outcomes for all of its participants.

Creating a youth sports program that is inclusive and focuses on coaching and competition that helps athletes develop will set the foundation for a brighter, healthier, and more positive future for young athletes and society.

The question of whether the society we live in is a reflection of the reigning cut-throat sports culture. It is difficult to make a definitive statement, as one can argue for both sides of the debate.

While it is difficult to make a definitive statement, it is clear that there is a strong interaction between the two. The cut-throat sports culture can be seen as a reflection of the larger society we live in, and vice versa. While it may be difficult to change either of these environments, it is important to recognize the impact they have on each other and strive towards promoting values such as fairness, respect, and sportsmanship, both on and off the field.

Seasoned Coaches Are Ready to Contribute to the Sport Industry If Given the Opportunity!

Ageism is a pervasive issue in the sports industry, particularly in coaching positions. Experienced and seasoned coaches bring a wealth of knowledge, strategy, and leadership skills to a team, yet they often face unjustified age-based discrimination. This discrimination not only limits opportunities for older coaches but also negatively impacts the sport.

Older coaches are often overlooked in the hiring process due to assumptions that their age will limit their ability to connect with younger athletes or that they lack the energy and stamina to coach at the highest level. However, these assumptions ignore the invaluable experience that older coaches bring to the table. They have an entire career worth of knowledge, expertise, and hard-learned lessons. They offer unparalleled insight and strategic thinking that younger coaches could learn a lot from.

The ability to connect with players of all ages and bring out the best in them is a hallmark of successful coaches. A coach’s age should not be a factor in determining his coaching excellence, ability to contribute and work cooperatively toward a common goal.

Ageism is a problem in the coaching industry, preventing many qualified and experienced coaches from getting jobs. This not only limits the opportunities for those coaches but also harms the game as a whole.

Excluding experienced coaches from consideration perpetuates a culture of ageism that undervalues the worth of older workers and perpetuates the notion that people become less valuable as they age. This has a ripple effect on the industry, as it means that sports teams and leagues are not benefiting from the full range of talent and skill available to them.

To address and combat ageism in the sports industry, school and college administrators and human resources committees should take a more holistic approach to their hiring process. Rather than relying solely on age or physical ability, they should take into account a coach’s proven track record, relevant experience, and demonstrated ability to connect with players, the staff, and colleagues.

Age diversity should be taken into account in hiring practices, as it leads to better decision-making due to the different perspectives and experiences that come with it.

It’s time to put an end to the cycle of ageism in the sports industry. Experienced and seasoned coaches have invaluable knowledge and experience that can benefit any team and institution. By valuing, respecting, and including these coaches, teams stand to benefit from the wealth of knowledge and insight that they bring to the table. Let’s take the first step towards a more equitable and inclusive sports industry by recognizing the value of experience, not the value of who you know.

The status quo is limiting the participation of qualified and experienced individuals in sports, and negatively impacts their hiring, treatment, and selection. Sports organizations, teams, and administrators should recognize it to ensure that everyone has an opportunity regardless of their age.

Seasoned and experienced coaches can make meaningful contributions if given the opportunity. Give one a chance, and you won’t regret it!

Coach Carvalho is an experienced coach and a former school administrator with over 35 years of coaching experience. He has developed players and built successful programs in the USA and abroad.

Currently, Coach C is the Owner and the Director of Instruction and Development at WA Sports Consulting, a company specializing in training and consulting services to players, coaches, and organizations of all levels.

To learn more about coach Carvalho’s innovative approach to basketball, visit Carvalho’s unique style of play has helped him achieve success at the highest levels of the sport.

For more information about coach Carvalho’s stat-based bold methods and strategies, go to

Negative Consequences of Prioritizing the Learning of Plays over Fundamental Skills

Basketball in the early years is a time for young athletes to develop their skills and love for the game. However, there has been a shift in recent years towards prioritizing the learning of plays over fundamental skills like dribbling, passing, shooting, and finishing. This approach can have negative consequences for the development of young athletes and the quality of youth basketball programs.

While it’s important for players to understand the offensive and defensive schemes they will be using during games, focusing too much on these plays can lead to a lack of training in fundamental skills. A player who can’t dribble well, shoot accurately, or finish at the rim will struggle to contribute to the team, no matter how well they know the playbook.

This approach can lead to a lack of inclusion for beginners or those who are struggling with fundamentals. Kids who aren’t as skilled may be discouraged or excluded because they aren’t able to keep up with the game plan. This can take away from the fun and enjoyment of the game and make it difficult to sustain youth basketball programs.

Players with a strong foundation in fundamental skills tend to perform better in games, have a higher rate of success in playing the game, and have an increased likelihood of success at the next level.

To address this issue, coaches can focus on incorporating basic game-based drills that simulate game situations into their practices. Coaches can also dedicate time to individual skill development during practice, which will help players control the fundamentals of the game.

In conclusion, prioritizing the learning of plays over fundamental skills can negatively impact the development of young athletes and the overall quality of youth basketball programs. Coaches must recognize the importance of developing a positive and inclusive learning environment that prioritizes the development of a strong foundation in fundamental skills. By addressing these issues, they can positively impact and improve the quality of youth basketball programs and set our young athletes up for long-term success.